Jacobo Galofre - Engine Programmer & Audio Designer

I am Jacobo Galofre, I have been working as a programmer in the early days of the project and as a designer for the last part of this project. I am really interested on engine programming and the audio design and production for games and I’ve always had passion for music. With this project I’ve discovered that I am interested on learning how to create immersive audio experiences for people.


  • Audio engine Programmer: I have been implementing wwise into our engine and created the whole audio system for the engine too, working on the audio components for gameobjects, creating the audio functions for the scripting module, etc.
  • Audio Design and Implementation: I’ve been searching and iterating which audios we needed for the game and I have been implementing and coordinating with other departments to implement the audios in the game.
  • Audio Editing: With wwise and audacity I’ve been editing the audios so they were ready to be implemented into the game.
  • QA: I have also been working with the QA trying to find bugs and making sure everything worked as expected.